To add and name a new location press “+” Once a location has been created images taken at different time points for the same location can all be stored here.
The “Location” page shows all the locations created by the user where images have been taken.
When you tap on the new location you have just created, you will land on the “Points in time” page. Here you can start adding images that will be analysed automatically.
To start taking images tap on either the camera icon or at the centre of the screen.
The default mode to add images is by using the camera. We recommend the use of a selfie stick in the vineyard. Once all the images have been taken tap “V” to stop collecting and start the upload for analysis.
If you have already taken the images with your device camera and you would like to upload them from files/camera roll instead, you can do so by tapping on the “V”
You can upload a maximum of 400 images at a time. Please be patient, the process requires computing power and the speed of it depends on your device.
The app will now show the images being uploaded.
Tap the refresh/reload icon to make sure you are viewing the latest map.
In this example the Location “Semillon” contains images taken at 4 dates during the growing season.
By tapping on each of the dates all the images taken can be viewed.
By tapping on an image the results from that image can be viewed. Each image has a unique “Image id”.
By tapping on “Full map” the maps of the spatial distribution of the Plant Area Index (PAI) in the vineyard block are shown for each date.
By tapping on the export icon, all maps can be exported.
From the “My account” page, results can be exported as .csv files to a nominated email account. The account used to sign into the app is used by default.
You will have to select the location you would like to export and the date.
Below is an example of the .csv file with the results.
For a better understanding of the results please refer to: De Bei, R., Fuentes, S., Gilliham, M., Tyerman, S., Edwards, E., Bianchini, N., Smith, J. and Collins, C., 2016. VitiCanopy: A free computer App to estimate canopy vigor and porosity for grapevine. Sensors, 16(4), p.585.
The “My account” information page shows the total number of images you have taken/uploaded and analysed on the server and the number of locations.
To Rename or Remove a location tap the location tab for a couple of seconds and the two options will appear.
To remove unwanted images from a location tap the image you need to delete for a couple of seconds until the bin icon ( ) appears on the top right corner.
Now you can keep selecting multiple images to delete.
If you believe a result in your .csv file is not what you expected you can use the unique photo id to search for the image within the app by pressing .